English, Japanese with English subtitles. 100 min. Contains 4 Episodes. From ADV Films. Contains Final Fantasy Unlimited DVD 1, and a High-Quality Artbox. Contains Final Fantasy Unlimited DVD 1, a High-Quality Artbox, and a free t-shirt offer - pick your size! Welcome to Wonderland! The gateway to another world appears suddenly one day and with its coming awaken two mysterious beasts of astonishing power. The monsters appear to destroy each other and then vanish-leaving behind only the inexplicable pillar of darkness and the unanswered questions of the natural world. Twelve years later, the twin children of two scientists who disappeared on this so-called Day of Conjunction go on a hazardous quest in search of their lost parents. Boarding a phantom subway, Ai and Yu travel to Wonderland, a chaotic world of amazing beauty and thrilling danger. Accompanied by Lisa, an enigmatic woman they meet on the train, and Kaze, a brooding stranger with a demon-summoning gun, the twins begin an incredible journey that will lead to the mysterious heart of Wonderland.